The Gemini Full Moon peaks on December 7 & 8. Gemini is represented by the twins, representing both the soul and the body. The full Moon in Gemini is also the last full Moon of 2022 and, fortunately, the least emotional. It’s an opportunity to open your mind and self to new vibrations that promise to usher in change over the next year. It's also a time to reflect on the past year.
This is a powerful opportunity to wire your mental processes into a divine mind or universal consciousness, allowing your mind to open to the mysteries being revealed.
What to consider during this Full Moon in Gemini
As you work with this full Moon, feel where your energy has become divided. Where is your mind saying one thing, but your heart is saying another? Where are you feeling indecisive or insecure in your decisions? This full Moon is a time to communicate with both yourself and others. Become aware of any conflicting thoughts or emotions within you. Remember when we are unclear about what we desire or how we want to feel, it can be challenging to manifest our visions. If you feel that you are torn between energies, this full Moon can help you choose a path and follow it with confidence into the new year. On this full Moon, acknowledge where you have become overly attached to your opinions, emotions, or perspectives.
When we open ourselves up to new energies, we can feel confused at first, and that's okay. It's better to be confused than to be too attached to our viewpoints. We eventually want to integrate new knowledge within our energy so we can make necessary changes to manifest our visions.
Over this last full Moon of the year, feel where you are ready to create change. What is asking to be shifted in your life or energy? What is ready to break free of old thought patterns? Gemini carries the ability to change our lives at lightning speed. This energy brings new information quickly into our lives.
A Gemini Full Moon Ritual
You can also do this ritual throughout December 2022, whatever feels right for you.
You will need:
Sit under the full moon on a pillow or a blanket, or whatever you are comfortable sitting on.
Aura cleansing tool of choice. I like to use white sage incense cones and Laxmi doop
Pen and paper
1. Sit down, and stare at the moon for 1 minute. Close your eyes, and take 10 deep breaths. Be still and be calm. Once you are done, open your eyes and look into the moonlight again, you are now ready to begin the ritual.
2. Begin by clearing your aura using your tool of choice. As you cleanse your aura, recite the following:
“Another year is about to pass, another year complete. I give honour and thanks to myself for how I have grown and for all I have achieved. I honour my journey, my true feelings, and what has come, but I now cleanse away all that feels heavy and all that no longer serves. I am cleansed. I am healed. I am restored. I am cleansed. I am healed. I am restored. Thank you.”
3. (Optional) Clearing your house and your space. As you cleanse your space – recite the following.
“I cleanse the energy of this space to make room for lightness, joy, peace, and prosperity. May all those that walk through here feel protected. May this space be blessed with health, healing, and with love. My space is cleansed. My space is free. Only love and light dwell here. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.”
4. On a piece of paper write down all the months of the year. Under each month, reflect on what happened in 2022, how you felt, what you achieved, and what mistakes you made- just write whatever comes to your mind. Allow your mind to let go and just write from your heart.
After reflecting on the year gone by, observe any thoughts, feelings, or emotions that have arisen.
5. When you feel ready, write your own mantra or repeat the one below three times -
“I forgive and let go of the things that I thought I should have done and the things that did not go the way that I expected them to. Mistakes are a sign I am trying new things, which is exactly what I am here to do. I am not always supposed to know the way. Not knowing the way is a sign I am growing and changing, which is exactly what I am here to do. I celebrate myself for all I have achieved and moved through. I trust that whatever has unfolded is for my highest good and the good of the Universe. I forgive myself. I release myself. I love myself.”
6. Now, make a list of 10 things you did this year that made you a better person or helped you to improve your life. Basically, you want to list at least ten positive things you learned, changed, or did through the course of the year.
After reflecting on your list, place your hand over your heart and recite the following:
“I celebrate myself for the year gone by and all that I have achieved. I am proud of myself for all that I have accomplished and know that I am exactly where I need to be”
After my ritual, I made a list of how I want to feel in 2023, what I want, and what is important to me.
I am a firm believer in vision boards, I have almost completed mine for 2023, and this is a great way to keep your mind on what you want to achieve. To learn more on how to create your own vision board click here
Remember to be grateful for what you already have daily.
Much love and blessings!